Grand success for the 2nd Apulian Runway Experience

Puglia Fashion Week from 9 to 13 November 2024
A total of 50 brands, 120 companies and over 2000 participants. These are the numbers of the second Apulian Runway Experience edition, Puglia’s Fashion Week, which brought the artisans of local manufacturing, strictly those who produce in this region, to the stage. ‘’Apulian Runway Experience is a transformational project in which everyone; insiders, businesses and institutions, actively participate,‘’ explained Daniele Del Genio, president of CNA Puglia, organiser of the event, ‘’… we are aware that we have taken a further step towards enhancing local craftsmanship and production, offering businesses and those working in the fashion sector the opportunity to make themselves known and through them to make it known that the people of Puglia are as industrious as ants. We offered the foreign delegation that we hosted during the five events, to understand that a visit to Puglia is always worth it, and not only during the summer‘’.
‘’The organisation is hard at work for its third edition. On the strength of the relations established with other sectors, there is an outlook of strengthening the regional production, and to create opportunities for those who have chosen to create and make their products in Apulia; with the right recognition and the right showcasing,‘’ continues Del Genio, who concludes: ‘’We take home from this edition a renewed link between the world of production and that of communication, new relations between the public and private sectors, and the ability to find a common ground, that of local production, which holds together historical and cultural research, design and craftsmanship. Connections that will be further strengthened at the 2025 edition, which will be held next Autumn.
The event had the patronage and support of the Apulia Region, the ITS Academy for Fashion Mi.Ti., the Industrial Design Association, Apulia and Basilicata delegation, the Municipality of Martina Franca and the Brindisi-Taranto Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the Chamber of Commerce of Bari and the Archival and Bibliographic Superintendence of Apulia gave their patronage.
''L'organizzazione è al lavoro per la terza edizione, forte delle relazioni instaurate con altri settori, nell'ottica di rafforzare il tessuto produttivo regionale di qualità e di creare le opportunità per chi ha scelto di creare e realizzare in Puglia i propri prodotti, il giusto riconoscimento e la giusta vetrina'', continua Del Genio, che conclude: ''Ci portiamo a casa da questa edizione un rinnovato legame tra il mondo produttivo e quello della comunicazione, nuove relazioni tra pubblico e privato e la capacità di trovare un terreno comune, quello della produzione locale, che tiene insieme la ricerca storica e culturale, il design e l'artigianato. Connessioni che saranno ulteriormente rafforzate in occasione dell'edizione 2025, che si terrà il prossimo novembre''.
L'evento ha avuto il patrocinio e il sostegno della Regione Puglia, dell'ITS Academy per la moda Mi.Ti., dell'Associazione per il Disegno Industriale, delegazione Puglia e Basilicata e del Comune di Martina Franca e della Camera di Commercio Brindisi-Taranto. Inoltre hanno dato il loro patrocinio la Camera di Commercio di Bari e la Soprintendenza Archivistica e Bibliografica della Puglia.